Week of July 8 Garden Update

by Becky Elmuccio on July 8, 2013

Dear Weather, please give me a breeze in which to garden this week.

If you live anywhere near the Northeast, you know that we have had some less than stellar gardening weather this summer. When it isn’t pouring rain, it is sweltering hot. So, I made the most of no rain this weekend and got out early in the morning to tackle some weeding. To say that I was dripping with sweat by 7:30 am would be an understatement. Luckily the moisture in the ground did make weeding easy and the troublesome pokeweed and pennywort came up with no problem in my gloved hands. I have been working diligently to get the area behind our garage mulched so that the weeds are kept at bay.

Mulch Behind Garage2013

We are able to score Organic Mechanic Hardwood Bark Mulch at our local Whole Foods for about $7.99 a bag, which is a great deal for this mulch. I need to grab some more bags this week and then this space should be all set for playhouse, pergola or whatever potential.

Rogue zucchini 2013

Other updates for this week include this rogue zucchini plant that I did not plant. The smaller plant is one that I bought at Rodale. The larger one seems to have been planted with the help of a bird or rabbit’s lunching habits from earlier in the season. It is massive and is ready to start producing some zukes.

As I kept peeling back layers of pennywort this weekend, I kept thinking that we may need to reseed the lawn. The front is in rough shape too. So, some research is in hand this summer if we would like to reseed in the fall.

My to do list for the week includes:

1) Finish weeding the fence bed that I established last year.

2) Buy mulch and finish mulching behind the garage.

3) Mow and continue weeding the back of the house.

Rain is in the forecast from what I have seen. With luck, the time that I can spend outdoors will coincide with the dry spells.

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Nancy W July 8, 2013 at 7:44 am

You are having the same weather we are in Vermont. Sure makes gardening a challenge. Hard to keep up with the weeds! Mowing and weeding are constantly on my “to do” list! I am so thankful I can reward myself with by cooling off in our stream!


Becky Elmuccio July 9, 2013 at 10:06 pm

I wish I had a stream in which to cool off. We had one cool day and it was back to humid again today. Not an easy summer for gardening.


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