Learning a New Language – Self Improvement Goals in 2013

by Becky Elmuccio on January 4, 2013

While I took French all the way through high school and part of college, I can’t say that my fluency is used on a daily basis. I can listen to conversations and understand them, but not speaking it regularly leaves me a little cautious about answering back. Conjugating verbs has fallen by the wayside just a little. More and more, I find that I use my knowledge to read or understand other languages like Italian or Spanish.

One of our favorite everyday activities is reading with Tomato and she has been given a few Spanish/English board books. We have quickly mastered learning the numbers 1-10 in Spanish and the names of some animals/insects. So, while at the library this week, I picked up a set of books and CDs to learn some more. So, as the temperatures drop this weekend, we’ll be kicking up our feet and chilling on the couch to see what else we can begin to learn. Plus, for my regular TV Free Friday readers, it’s a great way to be screen free too!

I’d love to hear more about your experiences with a second language. Have you tried to learn a new language with your kids? Do you have a dual language household? If so, how do you approach it?

{ 13 comments… read them below or add one }

Heather January 4, 2013 at 1:31 pm

My stepdad teaches my kids some Spanish. My 20 mo can count to 5 in Spanish, but not English!


Becky Elmuccio January 5, 2013 at 2:15 am

It’s great that they are having exposure to a second language!


Heather M January 4, 2013 at 2:11 pm

I took Spanish for a year in high school. I really wish I had retained more. I have my 4th grader taking Spanish now so hopefully he will learn and retain it more for the future. Knowing a second language can be so useful!


Becky Elmuccio January 5, 2013 at 2:16 am

Our school district starts offering it in Kindergarten. I’d love to find a good kids’ program to help my little one out as her curiosity grows.


Gina B January 4, 2013 at 3:54 pm

Ah bueno! Me gusto Espanol tambien 🙂

I’ve been speaking random Spanish around the house. Awesome, easy, useful language! Thanks…I hadn’t thought to go to the library to pick up some resources, great idea!


Becky Elmuccio January 5, 2013 at 2:17 am

Gracias! Our had a ton of different CD and book programs from which to choose, so if this one doesn’t work, we have some options.


Tomika B January 4, 2013 at 4:12 pm

My daughter studies mandarin at school and I am planning to enroll the entire family in a class. I might stop in the library to see what resources they have as trying to get a class that fits our schedule has been very tiring.


Becky Elmuccio January 5, 2013 at 2:19 am

That’s fantastic, Tomika! Our district has interest in doing Mandarin, but with budget restraints, they are unable to offer it. I did see a private tutor at a local bookstore working with an elementary student, so that might be an avenue down the line.


Stacy Uncorked January 4, 2013 at 4:36 pm

I’ve always wanted to learn a second language – maybe I should do that with Princess Nagger so we can ‘practice’ on a daily basis. 🙂


Becky Elmuccio January 5, 2013 at 2:19 am

Sounds like a good way to hang out and bond!


Steph January 4, 2013 at 5:57 pm

That’s a good one! E is learning some Spanish at daycare. I better brush up on mine!


Becky Elmuccio January 5, 2013 at 2:20 am

Start practicing your numbers so you can count all of your saved coffee cash! 🙂


CelloMom January 5, 2013 at 4:37 pm

A new language is like a whole new window on the world! If you love English, knowing even a bit of Latin will deepen your enjoyment of it. I know enough Japanese to trawl Toyota’s website in Japan (and find out about the sweet gas-sipping cars they keep for themselves! -unfair). I’ve always looked longingly at Arabic, but am now more intrigued by Urdu, which is said to harbour the most amazing poetry – and like all poetry, it loses most of its power in translation. So you just have to go to its source. But I quake at the time required…..


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