Lifestyle Magazines

by Becky Elmuccio on December 3, 2011

I currently only read two lifestyle magazines each month and I don’t subscribe to either. My mom subscribes to both, reads them and then passes them along to me. They are definitely both subscriptions that I would happily maintain, and used to with Martha Stewart Living, but I don’t need to when they are just a walk away. I will also be reviewing Bon Appetit below, which I adore, but no longer subscribe to because I feel like I need to actually cook some of the many recipes I have torn out of its pages before I go drooling over and tearing out more. So, I may come back to it in future years, but for now and for organization’s sake, I’m taking a break. All of these make a great gift subscription to anyone you know who loves to cook or decorate their homes.

Martha Stewart Living

I love Martha Stewart. I have for years. I remember laughing with my mom and sister when I was a teenager and attempting to make a croquembouche for Christmas, which she had spotlighted on her show. Easily the most difficult thing we had put together in the kitchen, it made us giggle at the complexity of some of her recipes, but also marvel that the woman goes all in or nothing on everything that she does. So, it is no wonder that 20 years later, I still love watching her show, marveling at her ideas and wishing for a weekend away at any of her properties. Martha Stewart Living ends up thoroughly dog-eared each month, the website is great for pinning on Pinterest (where you can follow Martha, hello!!!!), and the recipes are delectable. It is definitely worth subscribing to, or sharing a subscription, for craft and home ideas. Their current deal is 12 issues for $24, which includes a free digital subscription for the iPad. Martha is very tech savvy and definitely puts her best foot forward when publishing digital issues and special digital downloads, such as her cookie app.

Country Living

One of my favorite magazines with which to curl up is Country Living. They do a phenomenal job each and every month to bring you featured homes, decorating ideas, bargain finds, and adorable monthly features like “Ask and Country Vet” and “What’s It Worth?” I definitely get inspired by what I find in this magazine and dog ear and post to Pinterest with gusto. The website is very helpful when you want to store images and ideas digitally, and they also have a digital edition available for your smartphone, computer or iPad. They tell great stories about the people whose homes they feature and have spotlighted The Beekman Boys and their home and cookbook twice in the past year. This is definitely one that I ask my mom if she has gotten yet each month and it would make a great gift subscription to anyone you know who enjoys antique hunting, design and cozy recipes for the family. Their current subscription deal is tremendous at 1 year  for $12, 2 years for $18 or 3 years for $24. Definitely worth a look!

Bon Appetit

I’m really going to miss Bon Appetit. I only unsubscribed because the recipe pile has gotten out of control and I want to start making things instead of just collecting recipes. So, as I leaf through many heavily dog-eared back issues, I can revel in the excellence that is this magazine. This is another that I couldn’t wait to get my hands on each month. They do a wonderful job of spotlighting new and innovative restaurants in a variety of cities, and they provide the reader and cook with a bevy of scrumptious recipes. The Italy issue above was enough to make me want to hop a plane back to Florence and eat for a week. The magazine has a great website with an enormous database of searchable recipes and, as a subscriber, you can sign up for weekly emails with food trends and recipes. The recipes are straightforward and sound a lot fancier than they are to make, so don’t get nervous about them. Their current deal is 1 year for $12. There is also a Kindle Fire edition and an iPad version is imminent.

I hope these magazine reviews help you with your holiday shopping or in finding a treat for yourself. Remember, stay green by going digital, recycling the issue when you are done, sharing a subscription or seeing if any doctors’ offices would like a gently used copy for their waiting rooms or ask at your local school if the teachers would like them for their lounge.

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