End of the Gardening Season

by Becky Elmuccio on November 5, 2011

I was remiss in posting about how the end of the gardening season went for us. We had some good successes and some good learning opportunities. I will be putting the garden to rest this week as we get closer to colder weather, but I thought that I could share some pictures of what we garnered in September.

Green beans were a big score this year. The Kentucky Wonder beans that we planted yielded a ton of green beans. They tasted great and we froze a bunch for the winter. I learned a bunch with them this year too. First, the obelisk was a great spot to grow them. They went all the way to the top and made for a beautiful plant in the garden. Secondly, I need to check them every day. They grow so quickly that I missed some thin bean windows, and so we got stuck with some larger ones that weren’t as sweet when cooked. I’ll have to incorporate this into next year’s morning routine a bit better. These will definitely make a repeat appearance next year. As with all of these veggies, I will need to see which have leftover seeds from the packets that I ordered this year and contact the companies from which I ordered them to see what lasts. I smell another post in that adventure.

 Mmmmm, sweet Scarlet Nantes carrots. These will also be repeating next year. We harvested so much more than we did last year. Once we cut out the zucchini plant, these buggers took off. They really need a ton of sun and they will be in their own bed next year, perhaps with parsnips. We sliced these up and served them at the Tomato’s birthday party with hummus. Yum!

Sunflowers are just so happy. They make you smile no matter what. We had several pop up and I think we may do a few different varieties along the long fence next year, even though I love the contrast against the brick garage. I will also be posting about how to save the seeds for your own birdfeed. I’m not ambitious enough to shell them all and make sunflower butter from scratch.

Our asparagus continued to flourish. I think we got 7 to go to fern, if not to seed, out of the 10 that we planted. So, successful!

These were the last of the tomatoes. I love the contrast of the one red against the greens.

The potatoes only came out of the ground planted ones. But, that’s a whole other post!

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