So, July has been an amalgamation of weather to say the least. We’ve had some major rainstorms and we have had a heat wave in the last week that is the worst that I remember. When I go to Whole Foods at 10 in the morning and the car says 102 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s bad. But, the garden seems to have faired ok. The cucumber leaves are a bit dry, and I have to do some investigating to see if I had some bugs there. But, they are climbing readily.
Unknown pest assailant? |
I’ve been able to pick 3 so far and they are making a very delicious addition to dinner as I slice them thick and dip them in ginger dressing. The pumpkins continue their march forward across the large space and we have at least 4 butternut squash on the vine. This makes me very excited as I and the Tomato are huge butternut squash lovers. Steamed or baked in the oven, passed through the food mill and mixed with whole wheat pasta definitely leads to yumminess!
The Kentucky Wonder Beans have been a joy to watch grow and creep up the obelisk. I picked our first few and will be making them for dinner tonight. If I pick them often, as they are ready, I can up our yield quite a bit.
The blackberries are continuing to flourish. I’ve picked about 3 quarts so far and need to head out today to get some more.
I read somewhere the other day that eggplants can yield 3 or 4 veggies per plant. We’ve got 8 and they are particularly long. I had to look up how to know when they are ripe and these just might be.
The Rosa Bianca variety is also beautiful and I can’t wait to bring all of them in to cook.
Our tomatoes and peppers are plugging along as well. We have a lot of tomatoes. So, losing a few to blossom end rot was not a complete loss.
We said goodbye to the zucchini plant this week. It was the end of his season and it was just way too hot. But, it may give us some sunshine back for the Scarlet Nantes Carrots.
And the figs keep on going. I will be excited when they are ready to pick and perhaps make some jam with them.
We are luckily getting some rain today and hopefully it will perk everything back up. I’ll be pulling out the peas this and moving some weeds around as it cools off in the next couple of days.
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Some of my zucchini met the same fate 🙂 Your garden looks fabulous!
-Deb L.