Blueberries for Breakfast

by Becky Elmuccio on June 15, 2011

I get a lot of joy out of heading to the front yard to pick blueberries for breakfast. Smelling the fresh air in the morning, watching and listening to the kids in the neighborhood head to school and carrying the Tomato at my side, so that she sees where our food originates, is a great mix of senses and feelings. We currently have three blueberry bushes on our front lawn and I think it’s all that we can accommodate. We bought and planted the bushes two years ago. Originally, they were in with the blackberries in the backyard, but after doing some reading, I realized that they needed to be spaced apart more for better growth and pollination. So, in the fall of 2009, I transplanted them to the front yard. They are the only edible that I have out front and since they are on their own, spaced 5 feet apart, I put up some chicken wire around each to deter our rabbit friends from eating them to the quick.

When I was preparing the garden this spring, I would have sworn that one of the bushes was dead. I pruned the horizontal branches back in March and the one little bush just looked to be kaput. But, somehow leaves have sprouted and it seems to be fighting its way through the season. It doesn’t bear any berries, so I may have to read some more about how to help it along with that. Another bush does well with leaves too, but is currently living amongst a plethora of weeds. Luckily, my parents live nearby and my mom will be coming over to rescue him from the jungle that plagues his growth site while I take care of the Tomato today. So, that leaves one more bush.

Oh, what a beauty and joy this has been over the last few days. I think I’ve even been good about beating the birds to the ripe ones. I don’t use brid netting to deter them because they can get caught in the netting and that just upsets me. So, we just race to get the good ones. Nothing like a little healthy competition for breakfast. Speaking of which….yum!

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