Soft Tiles Review

by Becky Elmuccio on April 18, 2011

As our daughter, the Tomato, has become more and more mobile, rolling, sitting up on her own and now standing, we have needed some floor coverage that is a softer landing than our wood floors. I looked at several different brands online and consulted this article on Inhabitots in order to find soft tile flooring that is eco-friendly and affordable. I decided to buy tiles at I liked that I could order from a variety of colors and that I could buy border tiles. The border tiles allow the configuration of tiles to look clean, smooth and modern. It makes it also feel a little less baby and a little more homey. I chose the blue and green tiles because they are my favorite colors and because I figure that we can move them around to play land and sea on them at a later time. The black border tiles compliment the colors nicely.

My two favorite aspects of these tiles, outside of the piece of mind when the Tomato is playing on them, are the affordability and the durability. They cost $5.80 per 2 x 2 (5/8″ thick) square and it is so easy to run the vacuum over them in order to clean them up once or twice a week. Even if they do get beat up over time, we can always order a replacement tile.

I would highly recommend these tiles for you living room space or wherever the kids may play. I have a friend who was thinking of what to do with her semi-finished basement floor and I would say go for these. It would make for a great winter indoor play space on which the kids can tumble and explore. Also, the company has solid colors, designs and alphabet tiles, so there is good variety from which to choose in order to fit the space and design theme for which you are ordering them. Definitely, check them out if you are looking for some softer landing space for your little ones.

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