Seeds, Glorious Seeds

by Becky Elmuccio on April 10, 2011

Well, we are inching closer to the gardening season here in 2011. I ordered seeds from a few different seed catalogs and all have arrived except for our asparagus crowns and seed potatoes (which will be arriving later this week). I have ordered primarily heirloom and organic seeds and was very pleased with the shipping, prices and customer service from the companies from whom I ordered. So, what do we have going in and where did I find the seeds?

For veggies and fruits, we have the following…

From High Mowing Seeds, I ordered Mustang F1 Onions (to be planted this week), Green Arrow Peas (also going in this week), Scarlet Nantes Carrots, Waltham Butternut Winter Squash, and Moon and Stars Watermelon. From Comstock, Ferre & Co., I ordered Kentucky Wonder Pole Beans. Finally, from Botanical Interests, I bought Spacemaster Cucumbers. I had Straight Eights cucumbers last year, which were fabulous, but I couldn’t find them at Whole Foods this year. So, I will have to try this variety.

For herbs….

I bought Dill from Comstock Ferre. This will help to protect the potatoes, as will the Cilantro that I ordered from High Mowing. I also ordered Large Leaf Basil from High Mowing. I am vowing that this is the year that I am successful with basil. I never seem to water it enough, but this shall be the year that I am on top of it.

For flowers….

I have an “along the fence” area that is going to be dug out and have a ton of brush removed in the next two weeks (photos of before and after shall follow) and I will be putting several flowers in its place. From High Mowing, I ordered Strawberry Blonde Calendula, Red Scarlet Zinnias, Electron Sweet William, Echinacea and Jerusalem Gold Sunflowers. The sunflowers will actually go along my brick garage. I love the contrast of the brick against the gold of the sunflowers. Finally, from Seeds of Change, I ordered Hollyhocks. They are great for attracting bees, which we need to pollinate some of the veggies and fruits that we have in the garden.

I have a few plantlings that I will be buying when we get closer to our last frost. Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and zucchini are all items that I like to buy already started. I don’t have room to start seeds indoors, so the packets that I have will all be direct seeded in the coming weeks. I’ll update as things go into the grown to talk about spacing and depths of planting as well as which beds are being used for which plants.

So, what do you have going in the ground this year?

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Lloyd Sisters April 10, 2011 at 6:50 pm

Ahh…we are so busy this month. I know we need to get the ground turned and extended. I need more time! I can’t wait to see your pictures as you move along!! For us, tomatoes, cucumbers, basil, lettuce and trying green peppers! We shall see if we are as successful as we were last year!


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