Knitting Mojo

by Becky Elmuccio on April 12, 2011

I’ve been struggling to find my knitting mojo lately. I really need to find it so that I can get some projects completed and some started. I need to make a conscious effort to sit down with it at night and work on my projects to get back into the groove. I have several friends who are having babies this fall and I want to bestow handknits on them for their little ones. In the past, I have made burp cloths and bibs for many, many babies. Below are those that I made for the Tomato before she was born.

For most burp cloths, such as these, I use the Mason Dixon Knitting pattern called Baby Genius Burp Cloths. It’s a quick and easy pattern that I have memorized at this point. Each of the cloths is knit with Lily Sugar ‘n Cream Cotton, which I buy at our local Joann Fabrics store. I love this yarn. It’s a great workhorse yarn that holds up well to being washed and dried over and over. It’s also super absorbent and we have certainly put it to the test this year.

So, I’m going to dust off the old knitting needles, bring out the rest of the cotton collection and get started on making some more. I have one bib on the needles for our little one and want to complete that and a few more since we’re in the solid foods zone now. I’ll post as I finish them. I also have a pattern of my own for a burp cloth that I made last summer. I’ll be posting info on it here and the free pattern for downloading on Ravelry. Look out knitting mojo cause here I come!

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